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Space Coast Podcast Network
Inspiring Resilience: From Beauty Queen to Autism Advocate – Melissa Parker's Journey
Wondering how a beauty queen and a dedicated mother combines both worlds to champion a cause close to her heart? Reigning Miss Universe TCP Melissa Parker joins us to share her personal journey of resilience and advocacy, inspired by her son Brendan's autism diagnosis. From founding the Parker Foundation for Autism to initiating inclusive and free programs for children, Melissa's story is a testament to the power of community involvement and the impact of creating safe, nurturing environments for those on the spectrum.
Ever found yourself trembling at the thought of public speaking? Melissa did too, but her path through pageantry and professional growth helped her conquer those fears. Dive into her transformative journey from aspiring fashion designer to a compassionate nurse, all while supporting her family's battles, including her father-in-law's fight against brain cancer and her daughter's challenges as a cheerleader with a broken foot. Melissa's tale of continuous learning and self-reinvention is packed with inspiration for anyone seeking to overcome social anxiety and achieve personal growth.
Families dealing with autism face unique stressors, and Melissa Parker offers practical, empathetic advice on how to support them. From managing sensory overload to organizing community events like the "Be a Buddy 5K," Melissa emphasizes the importance of kindness and mutual support. Plus, we explore her passion for art and community activities, including turning the Kiwi Tennis Club into an adaptive sports center. This episode is a compelling reminder of how interconnected our community efforts are in making a positive impact on the lives of those affected by autism.
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This podcast is brought to you by Place Pros, commercial and investment real estate, and Nikotourboutique, your one-stop shop for everything cool. All right, melissa Parker, it is amazing to meet you. It's so nice to meet you too. Yes, I have heard so much about you.
Speaker 2:Really yes, around town. Hope it's good yes it's all good.
Speaker 1:I mean one, meet you too. Yes, I have heard so much about you, really. Yes, around town, hope it's good. Yes, it's all good. I mean one, you're gorgeous.
Speaker 2:Well, thank you for that.
Speaker 1:Two you are the reigning pageant queen of Miss Universe, tcp Amazing. And then, of course, your Parker Foundation for Autism. That's my heart, I mean it's you guys are doing amazing things and really getting the word out there yeah. Yeah, amazing, and you have a fun party every year too right.
Speaker 2:We do Yep Sunday on the river, sunday on the river we just had our second annual in our backyard right on the river and it's been amazing. So very, very thankful for, oh my gosh, our community and our sponsors and supporters just have the best people behind us, but that's what it's all about, absolutely so how did that get started the Parker Foundation.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like how does one go about just being like? This is my cause, and yeah, I'm going for it something.
Speaker 2:I just feel like it's something inside of you that speaks to you that you're meant for to do more. Yeah, and that's where Ted and I were at. So we knew we wanted to do more. Brendan had been diagnosed. He went through the Scott Center. He made good progress, but then they age out of the Scott Center for Autism and FIT.
Speaker 1:So that's early intervention.
Speaker 2:It's ABA therapy. That's one of the routes that children around here in Brevard County can take. Okay, and we just knew we wanted to do more but we found there was a lack of resources. You know, I have another child, a daughter, who's a couple years younger than Brendan. Easy to find things for her to do, right, right, yes, not so easy for our kiddos on the spectrum, right. So just felt like we really didn't belong or have a fit. And Ted and I were both avid athletes and I loved art and you know, being a part of a team was so important to me as a kid. I was an Air Force brat and so every year, year and a half, I was going to a new school and the way that I kind of got through that was jumping on. You know, a team, a soccer team, you know softball team just joining a group to be a part of, and that's not always easy for our kids that are on the spectrum.
Speaker 2:So, that's what we really wanted to do and that's where we knew we had a fit, so to be able to join forces with our community and existing resources and build them.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so you guys do like little events all throughout the year.
Speaker 2:Yes, year long we do, and it's free. Sports, arts and education for kids. We do safety initiatives to like. Right now we're doing swimming on the spectrum and that's specifically for kids that are at high risk for drowning, because it's the number one cause of death for kids with autism. They're drawn to water, they elopeope, they don't have a fear that fear factor is not necessarily within them. They're impulsive, and so they just find themselves in water and then, unable, they can't swim.
Speaker 2:You know, a lot of them have sensory issues too. So, right, um, we work right now with the special olympics. So my son is a great swimmer, wow, and he's on the special olympic swim team and after 2020, we were trying to find a new home for this program and they were nice enough to let us use the shallow end of their pool and we have a trained swimming professional that works with us and he has a daughter with autism, so he's really in tune to our children and the sensory issues that they have, or the impulsive nature, and he's very just, calm and relaxed and he works with our kids to help them learn how to swim.
Speaker 1:That's wonderful. Is there an age range for that?
Speaker 2:Everything we do right now is from like age four is where we start, okay, and then we go up to 22. But I keep pushing that back because my son's almost 18. He'll be 18 this year. Yeah, so we just keep kind of expanding and we follow the school board. So 22 is when our kids with special needs can continue to get services through that time oh, wow yeah okay, yeah, that's really good to know.
Speaker 1:Um, isn't autism the most uh the behavioral thing that's the most uh growing in the us? If not, I don't know if globally yeah, it was one in 36.
Speaker 2:Yes, but I was just talking to my friends of the brevard autism coalition and we were talking about what those statistics might be now and it's they're uh feeling like it could be more in the one in uh 20.
Speaker 1:Because it used to be like one in 150. It was, and when Brendan was diagnosed it was one in 110.
Speaker 2:Wow, so yeah, very short amount of time. What do you?
Speaker 1:think is happening there?
Speaker 2:Do you think it is just being diagnosed more, or do you think it's like air pollution, a combination of everything I really do feel like environmental effects obviously are really and we're getting more in tune to that and we know here in America, like even the foods that we eat like you know in other countries, and this is really coming to a head. A lot of the chemicals and things that we put in our foods are not even allowed in other countries.
Speaker 1:Yes, the dyes Exactly Number 40.
Speaker 2:Yes, yeah, and it's not just autism, you know, it's ADHD, it's OCD, it's anxiety, it's, you know, sensory processing. So even if your kiddo doesn't fall in the autism spectrum, there's a lot of times when they could be having these other effects that are happening. Yeah, I think we're seeing a growth in those as well.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I know, I read about that all the time. Even like like a vitamin D deficiency can throw you off balance and our kids are inside a lot more. They don't get out as much.
Speaker 2:You know what I mean Exactly Different times, you know.
Speaker 1:but I think this is just a time of evolution for us on many, many levels.
Speaker 2:Yes, so you know when we have difficulties like this, you know, in society, you know it's just time for growth.
Speaker 1:Yes, do you think there's anything to be done about, like the food?
Speaker 2:I mean, obviously, I feel like we need to just get out there with our legislative team, you know, and tell them that this is not right.
Speaker 1:I think there needs to be a revolution there, absolutely. How does one start that? I mean, yeah, talk to your legislators.
Speaker 2:Yeah, there's a lot of people out there that are signing petitions. And then you have to have skilled people that aren't afraid to go in front of your local. You know legislators and be able to speak with them, because they're there to listen to you. Yes, you know, yeah.
Speaker 1:I think, having your background too, I mean you could be like an amazing leader for that, or for even someone like me, who who questions like how am I supposed to do anything about the food that we feed our kids, but it's really nice to have you in our community.
Speaker 2:Oh well, thank you for that, I think too. Just educating yourself yeah, you know and not eating as many processed foods. And let me tell you what having two active teenagers and working and having a business and the Parker Foundation is hard. Believe me, convenience is so easy.
Speaker 1:I know, I've cut out fast food from our household. I mean we might visit once or twice a year, but I mean growing up we would go like once or twice a week right, yep, yep, yep.
Speaker 2:So things are different now.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so you do have a business on the side. I do the screening business.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so it's Precision Screening and it's actually a background screening company, because Ted has a staffing company, so IT Staffing and Solutions it. Ted has a staffing company, so IT, staffing and solutions. It's revolution technologies, oh wow. And so after I'm still a registered nurse, right, and I keep my license active, I always will, and I utilize that now as a community leader, you know, for autism really great.
Speaker 2:But in my spare time and it's kind of nice because I have a lot of flexibility I just help clear people or do tenant screenings. So it's just a very small business. It's me and my brother actually I employ, yeah, and we do it together, yep, and it's very flexible.
Speaker 1:So what does that entail? Like you, you do background checks and make sure they're just a good candidate Right, Can you? Can you take on other clients besides your husband's?
Speaker 2:thing yeah, I mean his, obviously his company is is it's nationwide, it's worldwide's worldwide? So it does get me pretty busy.
Speaker 1:Okay, but yes, I can.
Speaker 2:You just don't need to.
Speaker 1:That's right. That's great, though. Yeah, now did you grow up here? You said you were in the military family, mm-hmm.
Speaker 2:Yep. So I would say, junior high is when my dad was actually transferred to Patrick Air Force Base and then he worked here. We lived at Patrick Air Force Base and then I went to Satellite High and that's where I met my husband, ted. Really, yeah, yep, and then my dad retired here and this has been home base and pretty much everyone in our family has moved down here, so this was your last move.
Speaker 1:This was it. Yeah, that's really great. And were you guys, uh, high school sweethearts or did you just?
Speaker 2:we dated a little bit we went to homecoming and um, but it was our senior year and we decided that you know, he was going to go to UCF and I was going to go to Brevard Community College, which is now Eastern Florida. Yeah, and I loved.
Speaker 1:BCC yeah.
Speaker 2:I took classes.
Speaker 1:It was amazing. They also had like a really good summer program for kids. Now I'm struggling to find like all the pieces around town, yep. But yeah, I used to love PCC, yeah, and then your husband was a. He was a varsity player. What?
Speaker 2:did he play? He played football and tennis. Oh wow, yep, and then played at UCF as well. So you guys separated for four years. It was actually 13 years. So yeah, it was actually 13 years. So yeah, it was 13 years. It was kind of a crazy story. So 13 years later, I'm working over in Orlando. My sister was going to UCF so we rented a house together and I had a lot of friends over there and just needed to get out of Brevard County for a little bit, I could you know what I mean.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so I went over there and I was working as a nurse at Florida Hospital and one night I had to work 11 to 7 shift and for some reason I just felt like I needed to go to the gym, so got to hit the LA Fitness before my 11 to 7 shift, which never happened.
Speaker 1:That never happened before.
Speaker 2:So I just felt like I needed to go. And sure enough, I'm on the treadmill and I'm doing my workout and I feel this guy next to me kind of looking at me. And I'm on the treadmill and I'm doing my workout and I feel this guy next to me kind of looking at me and I'm like what's going on? I think this guy's going to talk to me, you know, but I had like I was just not about it that night.
Speaker 1:I had a lot on my mind and he was persistent and no.
Speaker 2:And then I came to find out, yeah, just well. He then he's like hey, I think you're you know, I think I know you, I think you're you know.
Speaker 1:Missy Brooks and I'm like, yeah, I am, who are you it?
Speaker 2:had been 13. You know, like I said, I just had my blinders on and I just wasn't like out of nowhere, there he was.
Speaker 2:But the funny thing about it was the night before, and if you believe in bigger things, which I totally do the night before I was talking to my sister and I said you know, I wonder whatever happened to that guy, teddy Parker from high school, because when he took me to homecoming my dress ripped. So getting out of the car my dress ripped and he had to take me all the way home. I had to change a dress and then take me back to homecoming. You know where the event was happening.
Speaker 2:And I just thought that he had handled that so well, but for some reason, out of nowhere, it just came out.
Speaker 1:It just popped in your head. Yeah, I believe in stuff like that too.
Speaker 2:I mean that's crazy right, that's when you know things are aligning exactly wow, so I had an hour talk on the treadmill, yeah that makes the workout go by quick. Yeah, it did, I'm like we've been here for an hour. Do you usually work out this long and I'm like I got to go to work so I'm gonna have to say goodbye. But anyway, we exchanged numbers and then the rest is history.
Speaker 1:Yeah, kind of cool right, yeah yeah, that is kind of freaky though how it? Just popped in your head and then I know, right in front of you, I know oh yeah that's cool. How long was your courtship from there? Did you guys get married?
Speaker 2:it was pretty quick, yeah we were married within a year yeah, that's great. And then you guys had two kids. Yep, we had Brendan pretty much right away, because his dad was actually not doing well, he had brain cancer. So he had been battling cancer since he had retired from Harris.
Speaker 1:Oh, wow.
Speaker 2:So that's kind of, yeah, that's rough. And Ted is the youngest of nine and he has two brothers and neither one of them had kids. So, Ted, he has lots of sisters, They've had lots of kids, but no one to carry on the Parker name. And so you know. Luckily we got pregnant right away and had Brendan, and his dad got to help Brendan before he passed away.
Speaker 1:That's beautiful, oh wow.
Speaker 2:That's great.
Speaker 1:And then you have a daughter too.
Speaker 2:Yep, yep, carson, she's 14, almost 15. How's that going good? Yeah, she's a challenge. She's a lot like dad actually. She's a great negotiator. She's going to be a good little business wonderful one day. Yep, uh, but she's an MCC cheerleader. She's actually at camp right now, uh, working with the the littles for their cheer camp.
Speaker 1:Yeah, volunteering, I'm taking my kid to the satellite one, oh good, where they? Yeah, they'll take the high schoolers and yeah do a little camp with them. Yep, that's fun, yeah, and a good way to build responsibility yep, yep, she loves it.
Speaker 2:She's like I get all of my community service hours for the year in one week.
Speaker 1:That's perfect. Doing what she loves. That's what it's all about. You know, it really is. Yes, community service all the way right, great and driving almost now.
Speaker 2:She did break her foot recently. Oh, that's tough.
Speaker 1:Unfortunately broke his foot earlier.
Speaker 2:She's in a boot and she's scooting around and she's on the craft table, which she's not happy about because she's a dancer and she wants to be teaching those girls how to dance. Yeah so she's like mama, I gotta do the art. I'm not looking forward to it.
Speaker 1:Art is fun. It's fun for me. Yeah, do you do it often? I know I've seen you poke around Derek's studio, yep yep, yep.
Speaker 2:So I've always been a lover of art. When I went to satellite, my last two classes in my senior year were art. So, I kind of took that and I wanted to be a fashion designer. That so I kind of took that and I wanted to be a fashion designer. That was what I really wanted to do, had that talk with my dad and he wasn't about it.
Speaker 1:So nursing it was. There was also like because I poked around that too. There was a lack of schools that actually specialized in that in Florida and we were doing like the Florida prepaid.
Speaker 2:So I was like.
Speaker 1:These are my choices. Right? I think there was one, Was it Flagler? That offered fashion?
Speaker 2:design. I'm not sure I had my heart set on going to New York City at Parsons. That's what I wanted to do yeah, he's like sorry, sis, that's not happening, but you're nursing. But the cool thing about life is no matter, and I think this is what keeps you young is that you don't have to stop. You can continue learning. Listen, I have a big birthday this year and I'm just getting started, so if I ever wanted to go back and be that fashion designer 100%.
Speaker 1:You know, farrah Wang started at 40. Yes, right. So yeah, I always have that in the back of my head too, and it's like you know life is about reinventing yourself. It is.
Speaker 2:That's what keeps it fresh. Yes, yes so with the pageantry?
Speaker 1:has that been? I mean, were you always a pageant kid, or did that happen later in life?
Speaker 2:So I used to sing and dance as a kid and I lived in South Carolina and pageants were big in the South. Yes, so are. So that's. My mom had me in it and I loved it, loved being on stage. And then it came time for being kind of a pre-teen and I got really nervous on stage. This is when you have to start speaking on stage, you know, and it was more about starting to talk about service work you know, with different things and I just had a really hard time with that.
Speaker 2:I was a shy kid and just had a difficult time and my parents were like I think you're done with this. You know you're more into sports, let's just focus on that. So, kind of hit, a little seed was planted in my mind like I, I had a difficult time with public speaking like this is not good for me. I would get really nervous about it. So I think a seed was planted and later in life that sticks with you, that kind of you identified with it.
Speaker 2:It really yeah, okay and then. So as a nurse and trying to get you know different um upper level positions, I had a really challenging time with the public speaking. Yeah, and like advocating for yourself right, and so that's not going to work. If you want to be a manager, you know I made it to a certain level in management, but I could never get past that point yeah so then Brendan was born, got more. I had my little desk job at home.
Speaker 2:You, know, with my screening business, and so that was always there, and I always struggled with a little bit of social anxiety too, and I think a lot of that was just being the new kid in school all the time, all the time yeah and being a shy kid and also like.
Speaker 1:I'm sure, pageantry, you know, you get envy, you get the mean girls saying like you know.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, you definitely can. But I think as a missus it's a little bit different and you always put service at the forefront. As a missus. So I feel like when you're coming from that place.
Speaker 1:I've never really had to deal Exactly.
Speaker 2:I've never really had to deal with that. I've had a lot of support and I think that's why I stuck with it, but the reason why I really got into it. A friend of mine, dear friend of mine, joni Nathanson. We were playing tennis and she said you know, melissa, I know exactly what you're doing, you know, for the autism community. It's you stepping up to be a community leader. Why don't you get into pageantry? I had no idea that a pageant pageants even existed for married women and but what I did know was that you're going to have to do a lot of public speaking and I was scared to death.
Speaker 2:How did you overcome that? So I overcame it because I told myself I was going to do this pageant and I'll tell you what. It wasn't easy, you know, and I did the best that I could, but every year, because you know, you commit to a system for a year and I said every year I'm going to do it again until I can get this, because it's going to make me the community leader that I have to be. And I fought through it, and Ted will tell you this is the one of the things that he finds most intriguing. You know that he loves about me was that I just conquered that fear. I made it. You know that I want to be out there. I want to help these families like my own. I want to make them feel like a part of their community, like they belong.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And so this is something that I definitely want to speak about, and I want to be able to get out there and have these conversations and be in front of a crowd and be able to do this. Oh my gosh that was you know, so it was all about that. Was it just practicing?
Speaker 1:It was practicing. It's just like anything else. I heard someone say this recently.
Speaker 2:You know, if you don't use it, you lose it. You know, it's just like sports or anything like that You've got to practice. So, the more you talk and the more you get out there and you have these conversations, the better it's going to be.
Speaker 1:But if you stop doing it.
Speaker 2:You know you can start to build up that anxiety again.
Speaker 1:So you really have to make yourself do it, and it's always those seeds that you know someone might plant on you. I mean, those are the things that you know you have to overcome and you have to conquer Right. So kudos to you, Thank you.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, any fear you just have to face it right. You have to face it, you do. I mean, I even took classes. I went back to Eastern Florida it was Eastern Florida that time but I took a speech class, you know, I just powered through it, made myself do it, you know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's one of the classes in college that I wish I would have taken, but I never you don't have to do it necessarily for credit or anything like that so anything you want to do that's what like um you know older people would show up at like my art history classes at BCC and. I would be like that's gonna be me in 40 years and why not, and why not? I don't know, I just never looked into uh Eastern for that.
Speaker 2:But you're saying that they're growing a lot. Yeah, and you can definitely do that. You can audit any classes you want. Hey, you're going to pay for it, though. Yeah, yeah, I'll take your money.
Speaker 1:So what did you learn there that like helped you? Besides, like you know, do you have any tips besides actually going out there and trying it and doing it?
Speaker 2:You know, just think breathing exercises are really good.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:So doing different breathing exercises, learning, meditation. Also, physical activity is huge. So a lot of people will actually do a workout before they have to go out there on stage, because it eats up a lot of that.
Speaker 1:You're too tired to have the yeah. Yeah, I've. I've started doing HIIT workouts around COVID time and before that I did no workouts, and I was really impressed of how much like my anxiety and my nerve levels.
Speaker 2:You conquer that in the morning and you're good to go for the rest of the day. Yeah, it's so important it is Exercise diet all of it, yeah.
Speaker 1:All right. Well, you brought your crown here today. It is gorgeous, can I? Oh, go for it yeah, look at this, you guys, it's heavy. Yes, it's padded. I've never seen a crown uh, a pageant crown up close. They look so big and heavy and beautiful in the pictures. There's a t here. Yep, can you talk about the organization Sure?
Speaker 2:Absolutely so. It's Universe TCP and we compete in Atlanta every year, and this is a very platform-based system. So, depending, there's lots of systems out there. You just have to find the right one. So, if you're more about the glam and the fashion, there's one out there for you, okay, you know, and there's some that are a blend of both, but this one is a blend of both, but it's highly platform oriented. That means service oriented, right, and so you get to blend their platform with your platform, which is really cool. So theirs is the Pledge Campaign Foundation Against Domestic Violence. Yes, so I think that this is very important. It's a difficult topic to talk about.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:But it's very, very important.
Speaker 1:So they picked that, not necessarily you, correct.
Speaker 2:So the pageant, a lot of pageants, have their own organization, service-based organization, and we'll help raise money and awareness for them. Sure, and then we do a big service project. When we're up in Atlanta we visited one of the homes for young women that have been through domestic violence and are finding a safe haven Break away from.
Speaker 2:It really is, and so we have a moment to be able to talk about and break down barriers, because a lot of us they see us come in with our crowns and sashes, you know, and they have preconceived notions of what we're going to be about. You know, and I'll tell you what you get the women from europe and asia, and everybody together, and we're all in there together. We were singing and dancing by the end of the of the day, and it was just a beautiful experience yeah, you know, and we bring them gifts and that's really nice and give them hope.
Speaker 1:That's what it's about, you know it's about hope for them, building that. I'm sure you had like deep conversations with them it was very deep. What did you learn about that? And you know the situations that they're.
Speaker 2:You know because it can be anyone yeah yes, it could be anyone, it doesn't matter, doesn't discriminate yeah, you know everybody has issues, you know, and problems that they're going through.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And this is something that many families face and we just don't usually talk about it, you know but I think we're in that evolutionary period, like we talked about earlier, where we need to talk about this stuff, because this is how real change is going to happen, and it's going to happen from the bottom up in our families. Yes, you know where we can start making these changes. So the pledge campaign has her pledge, his pledge, the kids pledge and the pet pledge, you know, and it's all about just being kind, and also for women, raising the bar, knowing that we have the power to choose who loves us yeah you know, and there is help out there for kids.
Speaker 2:It's about about you know saying kind words, so that kind words come back to you yeah it's simple at that point.
Speaker 2:For men, it's about stepping up if you see something, say something, you set the example for other men so that they know that this is unacceptable, right, right. So I've got to introduce this to our families and the autism community because I feel like we're at higher risk where we have more financial stressors than a lot of families out there. You know, added issues we have behavioral issues that most people we don't really talk about. You know, behind the scenes we do as a group community together because we feel safe and able to do that.
Speaker 2:I'm able to do that in my mom's group that I just started with a couple of other moms so it's a resource for our moms to be able to come together and talk about these issues in a safe space yeah, network together and also to be able to learn some self-care tips, little bite-sized tips that we can take super important because we get in those hot, heavy moments when things could happen and you know we have to be able to know when it's time to step back.
Speaker 1:Take a moment for me yes, yeah, go hide in the closet A few deep breaths, whatever you got to do.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the autism thing. So yeah, I'm sure everybody at this point has a family member or a friend who is going through it, and you mentioned that. It was kind of like you don't really talk about it. It's you want to be somewhere safe. But how can someone like me, who does have a friend, in that situation, doesn't? I don't know quite how to support her or help her and I just love the kid. I mean, he's amazing. What can I do? How can I be?
Speaker 2:there for her and let her know, check in in on her, see how she's doing okay you know, if you're able to provide her with any respite. You know where you could just watch the kiddo, or you know help out for a couple hours listen, a couple hours is a big deal yeah, just mom to get out and be able to have for any mom yeah, for any mom 100, yeah you know.
Speaker 2:So a lot of us just find child care because people don't necessarily understand the unique and special challenges you know that our children are having to deal with right just don't know that they'll understand and that it's safe, you know right. So, like I say, every child is different. You know every child on the spectrum is different, yeah, and so you can't. You know, you just have to kind of get to know them and see how you can help, if you can or just be there for her, you know yeah yeah, I'm here to show that you care.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I do, I do care, um, but it wouldn't.
Speaker 1:you know, what can you say to maybe like a new sitter or something to? I mean, you said everyone's, everyone, every child is different, but if you did want to hire someone to get your two hours, is there something that they need to know or or just be aware of, or is it just a great way to do?
Speaker 2:that is just to have them over to spend some time with you beforehand.
Speaker 1:That's a good idea, yeah.
Speaker 2:So if you were, if this is a you know someone that's going to take care of your child, you'll pay them to come in and just spend the afternoon with you so they can see the nuances and different things that might happen, or what to look out for. A lot of our kids have triggers or things that might set them off or get them upset and it's just sensory overload for them.
Speaker 2:It is For us. We have a large dog dog and we have a house that echoes. So when our dog barks because that's what dogs do yeah, it scares me. But for brendan, he's told me that it hurts. It hurts his ears, you know. So trying to minimize those things, yeah you know, put the dog away if you know somebody's coming over, right, or you know, just um, get Brendan and more of a safe space, a quiet zone yeah, if he were to start barking and things like that.
Speaker 2:So those are just little things that you may want to share with them. Okay, you know. And then keep the visits like if you were to go out and have to run some errands. Keep them short at first you know until the person gets to know.
Speaker 1:You know your, your environment and your child yeah, and then the child also needs to get comfortable with the new adult exactly yep, yep, yep, that's great and then I could also refer her to the foundation and absolutely things that you guys put on all the time, absolutely so you have a race coming up, a be a buddy 5k in October.
Speaker 2:Yes, tell me Yep. So this is the seventh annual race and the Running Zone manages the race for us. This is going to be at Space Coast Field of Dreams. The race starts at 8 o'clock. So we have the 5K, we have a free kids run. I'm also going to work so that we can get an adaptive award system.
Speaker 2:Oh, okay, so right now we just have awards, you know, for every age group men, women, typical, yeah. But we're going to have more of a neurodiverse field out there, which is really what I've wanted to grow and to get people together. So some of our friends from the Special Olympics are going to be out there and we have a young runner. Her name is Clara. She's amazing. Now listen, clara can run.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I believe she's 13. She's training for a triathlete, to be a triathlete. She's on the spectrum. She has another disorder as well, but she loves to run, but she wants to get up on that podium. Listen, she has no problem winning in her age division but her mom did bring it to our attention that you know we do want to get more of those runners out there, that or walkers that may just want you know, for them it's a big deal just to get out there right and participate yeah, you know we also want to be have them included as well, so I'm working to try to find a way for us to celebrate those yes as well what are your?
Speaker 1:what do?
Speaker 2:you have in mind. Well, right now we give out medals, you know for our top, and so I'm going to speak with the running zone to look at some other races that are out there and to see what we can do and how it would best fit, where they're comfortable, you know, and where we can make it happen cool.
Speaker 1:Yeah, now let's get a little superficial. I love the way you dress and you put yourself together. Where do you get your hair done? Where do you?
Speaker 2:shop. Let's talk about that stuff. Oh, I love it. Well, I love online shopping. That's one thing.
Speaker 1:I love to do it's easy right?
Speaker 2:Yeah, it is, but this is Coastal Bloom, oh yes, downtown Melbourne. Yep Love her. Love to watch beautiful hey, listen, when I'm there doing my background checks, I can put on her lives and listen and shop right as I'm going, she does that she does yeah, she does lives and it's kind of a fun little thing.
Speaker 1:So you have to be fast if you wanna yeah oh, all right, it's a lot of fun yeah, so go check it out.
Speaker 2:It's a little yeah little tip fun.
Speaker 1:Yeah, coastal bloom on facebook she does that.
Speaker 2:She has an app, yep, and she does it on facebook, but the best way to shop is through the app. Okay, it's a lot of fun and there's a lot of talking. That happens, and there's regulars and there's conversations. Okay yeah, and the stuff that you find is really unique because she travels around to find different things and it's very affordable too very affordable, so I gotta love that yes yeah, so, uh, absolutely love that.
Speaker 2:And then my girl, reese Prospero, is amazing at hair and I've worked with her for a while and she's got a place right here in Egad. Okay, yeah, what's? The name of the place, or is it, she just runs out, it's her business so it's. Reese Prospero okay, and then she was with us at Sunday on the River too. So for Sunday on the River, which is our fundraising event every April at our home, we have vendors so a lot of local businesses are out there and reese was out there, you know, doing hair and talking to people and giving discounts to come see her and everything.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I did see char good on your balcony.
Speaker 2:Oh yes, she knows how to work it. For sure it does.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, everyone loves her and then I have seen um makeup by Darcy and you do some collabs.
Speaker 2:Yep, she's absolutely she was there, yep, olivia Womack also out there, beautiful photographer yep amazing. And then Atlantic Beauty Clinic was another one. Um, she's up in Cape Canaveral, okay, so she was out there as well, and so she's very good to me. So I wanted to mention Paige as well, absolutely.
Speaker 1:Well, on that train of thought, do you have anybody that you can think of in Brevard that would be great to nominate to sit in your chair next time.
Speaker 2:Ooh, absolutely. I'm going to think about it, though I feel like I need to think about it, yeah yeah, take a moment.
Speaker 1:Yeah, all right, well, while I'm gonna think about it though, I feel like I need to think about it. Yeah, yeah, take a moment. Yeah, all right, well, while you take a moment.
Speaker 2:What about like?
Speaker 1:restaurants. Where do you and your husband love to dine out? Yeah, so do date night and kid friendly.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, we take our kids pretty much anywhere so they love. They're a little spoiled and they like so for father's day, we went to yellow dog, so that was. My daughter wanted to take him to yellow dog. That's nice, and so we did go there and um chart house and then recently um my husband purchased kiwi, so racket and fitness clubs we've been doing a lot of uh renovations there and we're set to open up the palm restaurant there.
Speaker 2:Oh wow. And so we've been renovating that heavily and hiring new staff and a new chef.
Speaker 1:When did you guys get it? In October, okay, so it's new and it needed a lot of love, yeah.
Speaker 2:It's been here over 20 years.
Speaker 1:Yes, we were. I don't know if we actually went through with it, but we were considering taking my daughter there for tennis during the summer. Absolutely my daughter there for tennis during the summer absolutely still going on.
Speaker 2:Yeah, all right absolutely, they have a great youth program there yes, yeah, all right, we'll try that. And a summer camp and, yeah, so you know, having a lot of fun. This is something ted and I are doing together to help. That's so fun you know, design it and refresh it. Yeah, and because it's a beautiful, thank you, it really is uh.
Speaker 2:Location is yeah, yeah, and we're going to make it an adaptive tennis center, which is really fun. So I have a friend that has love serving autism and she's connected to the usta florida and she'll be coming up to train all of our staff and volunteers and parents whoever wants to get trained for adaptive tennis, to be able to teach our kiddos better teach our kiddos. We've been doing it for years, you know we've been having these events for years.
Speaker 2:But you know, really there's a great way to do it and she's got a system and visuals, you know, so gonna bring her in to do that.
Speaker 1:So that will be coming in the fall. Yeah, and you guys can throw events there too, right? I feel like I went to a like a shower of some sorts there.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yep, they hold. There's a small banquet room which is about to get refreshed as well, so you know wedding receptions, different things like that um and uh. In the past we've had international women's tennis tournaments there, so we've been sponsors of it, but now we'll be hosting it obviously yeah hoping to be able to bring it back, because that was a great, great event and that was pre-covid.
Speaker 1:So now, oh okay, so covid stopped it. Yeah, okay. Yeah, you can get it back. You sure you can. You can do anything that's.
Speaker 2:It's very exciting to have women from around the world, you know here competing, yeah, and tennis is big around here it is big, and pickleball is really big too.
Speaker 1:Yes, that has been growing. Sure you've heard yes, so added some pickleball course. That was the first thing, we did it. What a wonderful idea. Yeah, yeah, wow. So what else do we not know about you? Any other hobbies or interests?
Speaker 2:yeah, I think, um, you know, really, the only thing is I, like I said, I love art and being able to incorporate that with our families and also introduce them to our artists that we have here.
Speaker 2:We've got amazing artists here, and we had a peace of mind event at Derek Gore's gallery last year and it was so amazing. Yes, in the daytime we had our kids come in and work with the different artists hands-on. So they got to make little mini people, collage people with Derek. And then, you know, I mean Kristen Maslow was out there, nikki Nicole Erickie, science Cody Monaghan.
Speaker 1:So Cody.
Speaker 2:Monaghan made this amazing handprint, had the kids do handprint on a large canvas and then came back later that evening with this John Lennon painted on it.
Speaker 1:Wow, yeah.
Speaker 2:And it said imagine all the people and I love that Like it just meant so much about bringing people together, which is like, really, what we try to do is try to offer something for for everyone yeah. All kids love sports, you know right. Um, some love dancing, some love art. So, whatever it is, I just want to be able to connect, make those connections, that's wonderful, because once I make those connections, then the walls and the barriers are broken down.
Speaker 1:Yeah. And then they can be more readily, you know, involved into the typical activities that are out there, and one connection brings two, and you know, all of a sudden you have a whole community behind you.
Speaker 2:Now, when you do art, do you? I mean, I know it's probably hard for a mom to to take time for herself, but do you paint or do you draw? So what I do recently is I'm one of the moms, so I used to do, uh, these events for our school. So we had a gala at the catholic school the kids would go to.
Speaker 2:One of the moms said you know, could anyone do this? It was a mosaic of the Blessed Mother. And I said you know what? I think I could do that you know. So I Googled with a mosaic and everything with tiles and knocked one out and it sold for over a thousand dollars, which was amazing.
Speaker 2:Oh my God, and so that was like, yeah, that was my very first stab at it, but then I loved it. I absolutely loved it, and the kids and I. So I work with the kids and the kids love doing it, yeah, and it's very like they just sit there, and even kids with that are nonverbal doesn't matter, they sit down, they get to work, they focus. They absolutely love it.
Speaker 1:I can't get them away from it that wonderful.
Speaker 2:Now we've been making these American flags. That is like our thing. We can do anything. We've done several different things. We've done a sea turtle. We've done um a mom and a baby giraffe. When Temple Grandin came to visit, we gifted her that um back at the Brevard Zoo and they had uh, it was their safari event that they had and she was one of the special guests, so had that. But the american flags are great and they sell anywhere between 800 to 1500. We do coastal types um so with, so each one is different where do you have these available, or are they?
Speaker 2:I make a couple of them a year with the kids usually like two to three a year, okay, and then, for whatever big event we're doing, we auction it off and 100 of the proceeds either go to the parker foundation or we've also done things for girls inc different schools. So these flags because I'm a title holder and I love pageants and everything. They've gone with me to different locations around the united states and so they're in different homes across the.
Speaker 1:United States.
Speaker 2:But it's such a great way to show the world what our kids are capable of. Yeah, and to talk about you know America how it should be and all of us, together with our differences, you know, united, absolutely. So we talk a lot about that and then, yeah, just make these beautiful pieces of art and hopefully one day, what I'd love to do is have my own gallery and workspace that's what I was going to say and employ our kiddos, so actually give them jobs.
Speaker 1:They can sort.
Speaker 2:I mean there's a lot of jobs they can do and the money that these actually go for could be, utilized to pay them and to carry on the art program you know I can't. We're always looking for unique and different ways to help our kids. You know, because they need purpose, like after they're out of school, it's really difficult to find something for them. This is something that I'm hearing more and more my moms that are uh have kids over 18 and young adults and adults. And Brandon's 18 now he's almost 18.
Speaker 2:So we're going through that whole transition.
Speaker 1:We have to become guardians for him.
Speaker 2:So that's what it has. It's a big deal. Yeah, so going through a new transition and then, like I said, they get to stay with the school system for a certain amount of time, but after that they're adults and then trying to find the right fit for them to have something to do so that they have purpose yes you know these kids are. They, you know, they learn a little differently and they, you know. But they're valuable, but they are valuable and they have a lot of, you know, great skills and everything yeah, you know okay so that's next for you and your family.
Speaker 1:What can't you do? How are you at cooking? I love to cook. Yeah, you do.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, you're a good cook, I love to cook, yeah that's great. Ted loves to cook too, so that's kind of his thing he loves to cook on the weekends, but weeknights it's for me, so what is your? Specialty um being from the south, I love a good brunch, yeah, so so if you haven't had grits that you actually like, I can usually turn the northerners into loving grits.
Speaker 1:I love grits yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, cheesy grits, cheesy grits. Gotta love it.
Speaker 1:All right. Well, melissa, it was so nice meeting you. Yes, have you thought of any nominees?
Speaker 2:I'm going to think on it, think about it and let us know I absolutely will.
Speaker 1:All right, yes, thank you so much for coming in and educating us.
Speaker 2:And we look forward to everything you have to offer the community. I appreciate it.
Speaker 1:I appreciate it. Thank you, Melissa. To be a sponsor or nominate a guest, hit us up on Instagram at local underscore celebrity underscore Brevard. Until next time, goodbye.